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Nineteenth Century Literature Discussion
About this event
Nineteenth-century British (and American?) literature discussion group.
The facilitator is nineteenth-century literature aficionado/teacher, and GNPS member, Deb Maltby.
This group discusses nineteenth-century literature, mostly British, meeting on Zoom once a month. We started with "Cranford" by Elizabeth Gaskell and then "The Old Curiosity Shop" by Charles Dickens. Coming up, we may decide to read works by Charlotte Bronte, Thomas Hardy, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Wilkie Collins, or Charlotte Yonge. Then there’s transatlantic travel writing by Harriet Beecher Stowe or Fanny Trollope. The list of nineteenth-century writers is immense; the course is up to us.
This month we are discussing
Lorna Doone
by Richard D. Blackmore
This meeting will be on Zoom. Zoom information will be sent to registrants.
Event Contact(s)
Deborah K Maltby
Registration Info
Registration is closed - Event is full
Cancellation Policy:
Please respect your host, as well as the other GNPS members who have registered, by cancelling your registration if your plans change and you cannot attend.
Thank you.
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