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GNPS Advocacy Projects

Many of us feel that it is important for an organization like ours, with over 700 members over 55 years of age, to advocate for relevant issues. The GNPS Advocacy Committee has served that function for several years, aiming to bring about changes that would make our lives in this community as fulfilling as possible. 

As the Advocacy Committee has grown in membership and issues, we are pivoting to a new format. Rather than a single committee, we will now have a number of Advocacy Issue Groups, each focused on a single concern. Below you will find a list of current groups which you are welcome to join. This is followed by an invitation to propose future Advocacy Issue Groups. Also included below is a list of past advocacy activities.. 


Pedestrian Safety and Micromobility:

The focus of this group has been the danger to pedestrians of the increased presence on neighborhood sidewalks of bikes and motorized bikes/scooters. Actions taken have included meeting with elected officials, petitions, and a forum with neighborhood groups, Methodiist Hospital staff, as well as a representative of the Deliveritas Unidos. We have also reached out to groups in other NYC neighborhoods with similar concerns. If you’re interested in participating in this group, please add your name to the group on the Interest Page of the GNPS website.

Coordinator:  Lenore Arons, (

Climate Change:
In 2022 a Climate Change Interest Group (CCIG) was formed for members who want to educate themselves about the scientific, political, and economic issues involved in climate change. The focus is to learn about actions we may take to preserve a livable climate. Members are concerned about the effects of climate change on all that we need and value. Our aim is to understand and engage in impactful activities to preserve a sustainable environment. We participate in individual, neighborhood and regional initiatives, and identify opportunities for legislative and direct action.

At meetings members share with other members actions to reduce our carbon footprints and to mitigate the effects global warming. We also learn from subject experts about resources to green our lives, homes, and neighborhoods; and about the technical, political, and economic issues involved in climate change. Topics covered in these meetings have included solar energy, flood mitigation. experiences with heat pumps, improving the health of our street trees, and NY City’s mandate for building efficiency - Local Law 97.

Coordinator:  Joanne Boger (

End of Life Issues:
This group arranges presentations on topics relating to the end of life and related advocacy issues. Members discuss legislation that might be effective in dealing with these issues.

Coordinator:  Nancy Richardson (

IMPORTANT:  If you would like to join one of these ADVOCACY ISSUE GROUPS add your name to the appropriate interest list on the INTEREST PAGE.


If you would like to propose a new Advocacy Issue please follow these steps:

Complete the GNPS Advocacy Issue Group - New Issue which describes your issue in detail.  In order for your proposal to be accepted as a GNPS Advocacy Issue, you must be willing to be the “coordinator” for that issue and to lead meetings of the Advocacy Issue Group. Each proposal will be reviewed by a team of 3 members who are active in the Advocacy activities of GNPS.

If the team approves your proposal, you will then present it to the Board of Directors for final approval. 

Once an issue is approved by the Board of Directors, information about this new Advocacy Issue Group will be sent out to all members through emails, and Advocacy Blasts. It will also be added to the Interests page of the website and the Advocacy page of the website.  


Here are some of the issues we have successfully worked on in the past:

Pedestrian comfort:

Bench success! We submitted requests for 9 new benches along Seventh Avenue and 5 were approved and installed! 

Try the new benches: 
100B 7th Ave (Union-President)
147 7th Ave (Garfield-Carroll)
160 7th Ave (Garfield-1St) 
274 7th Ave (6-7 Streets) 
365 7th Ave (10-11 Streets)

Accessible transportation:

Elevator for the Subway:
We worked with Councilmember Brad Lander and Assemblymember Robert Carroll to help organize and participate in activities that advocate for subway accessibility. GNPS members spoke at press conferences and other meetings to promote these ideas and participated in several demonstrations.

Our efforts resulted in the MTA selecting the 7th Ave./ 9th St. subway station as one of the 8 stations in the 2020-24 Capital Program to be made accessible. The street entrance to the elevator is on a bumped out sidewalk on the corner of 7th Avenue and 9th Street.  Good Neighbors of Park Slope was thanked during the CB 6 meeting for being instrumental in advocating for this project!

Making Prospect Park Age-Friendly:

One of our members, Jasmine Melzer, is on the Prospect Park Alliance Community Committee to represent the needs of older adults at monthly meetings.

Senior Fitness Area in Prospect Park
In 2017 Jasmine Melzer participated in the annual Participatory Budgeting project sponsored by Councilmember Brad Lander and proposed a community project: a Senior Fitness Area in Prospect Park at 9th Street. This idea was put on the ballot, and our members helped to successfully vote it in!  The area was officially opened by a ribbon-cutting ceremony on July 26, 2024. 

A proposal was submitted to Participatory Budgeting in 2023, and approved, to install handrails and lighting along a very steep path near the Wallkill Falls. This will be completed by 2025.

Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE):

We have been instrumental in spreading the word about Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) through community outreach events. We were able to help 75 community residents to obtain SCRIE. There are now several organizations working on this but we will help again, if needed.

Community Action and Support Project:

Brooklyn Botanic Garden - Save the Sunlight issue (2021 and 2024)
Proposed rezoning to enable nearby development of two multi-story buildings will cast shade on the garden, and negatively impact BBG plants and programs. We have sent letters opposing this rezoning and supporting BBG, and we have let our members know about actions that they can take to support BBG.

Black Lives Matter and Voter Suppression:

GNPS Statement on Black Lives Matter (2020)

As a result of discussions with our members, the Board of Directors has understood the depth of our shared commitment to the principles of equal justice and equal access that the Black Lives Matter movement has highlighted. We wanted to go beyond making a simple statement of support and sought concrete actions we could take. 

For those who wished to help, the GNPS Advocacy Committee suggested volunteering with a project of the Center for Common Ground called Reclaim Our Vote (ROV), to directly address the issue of Black voter suppression. ROV is dedicated to empowering under-represented voters in communities of color by increasing voter registration and reducing the barriers to voting. Reclaim Our Vote is a non-partisan effort, and they provide online training and supporting materials. Other members volunteered with the NYC chapter of League of Women Voters, and Water for Grassroots.

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If you are having any difficulty using this site please call us at 917-947-9121
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